Form from: St. Croix Catholic School (MN-0525)

Knights logo.png

Performing Arts Spring Musical 
"Disney's Finding Nemo Junior"

A SCCS production, copyright Disney 2003

“Fish are friends, not food!"

― Nemo

This exciting opportunity is available for boys & girls grades 3-8.

All rehearsals and a 2 full-stage ticketed performances will take place at SCCS. Rehearsals after school, 3:45-5:15, starting approximately February 10th and continuing Tuesdays and Thursdays or Fridays, through mid-March ending with performances scheduled March 14th & 15th. Not all cast members will be required at all rehearsals. Auditions may be required for certain parts. Participating students will all be cast and will be exposed to many aspects of the production experience. An exact rehearsal schedule will be provided the first day of rehearsal.

All SCCS E&Es and sports are working together to accommodate a busy spring schedule and use of the gym. IMPORTANT: On the Registration Form, please indicate your other SCCS activities.

Note: Yes, it's okay to be in basketball and/or other clubs AND the musical. Accommodations will be made to schedule rehearsals around these activities.

Please PAY ATTENTION to Director’s Email updates which will be sent to all participating student’s parents for schedule updates, casting guidelines, and other performance info.

Tickets will be on sale later this spring! Support your school, and join the SCHOOL MUSICAL!

Questions for the Director–contact Ms. Corrin Lee

2025 Spring Semester Cost: $95 per student (grades 3-8 limit of 50 participants, minimum 30)

Child First Name

Child Last Name





Zip code

Parent/Guardian’s First and Last Name

Parent/Guardian’s Email

Parent/Guardian’s Phone

Parent/Guardian 2 First and Last Name

Parent/Guardian 2 Email

Parent/Guardian 2 Phone

Parents: Your volunteer time and talent is critical to the success of this opportunity. Are you interested in volunteering in any the following ways?

Who will be picking up your child (Name and Relationship)?

Please include contact information if someone other than yourself is picking up your child.


grant permission for (above-named participating child) to participate in the above named activity and I warrant that my child is in good health. In consideration of my child’s participation, I agree to indemnify the school and the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis from any claims or lawsuits brought against the school /Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis by myself, my child or others, that arises out of any behavior by my child at the event/activity described above. I also agree to pay reasonable attorney’s fees or expenses incurred by the parish/school and the Archdiocese in defense of such a claim/suit.

signatureplease use your mouse or finger sign above

Please select an option for payment.

Make a payment by visiting the Vanco website

Remember to submit this form by clicking the "Submit" button below.

Child participates in the following SCCS activities (check all that apply January-March)

Please indicate "Other SCCS Activities" for child not in the above pick-list

to aid with scheduling SCCS commitments

Your email